Just like in PowerPoint, you can create templates for your company, and for specific clients, using Displayr. These templates can set design elements like color formatting in charts and tables, backgrounds, font styles, and statistical assumptions. The basic logic is very similar to PowerPoint: a good template consists both of defaults and also of a series of example layouts that can be readily used. A template gives your report a cohesive and consistent look and feel. It involves multiple Displayr features.
Create a new Document by clicking on + New Document.
A template is not a specific type of document. Rather, it's a document you create with the explicit goal of re-using when creating new documents. So, you create a template by clicking + New Document on your Documents page in Displayr.
It is a good idea to give it a name like _Template, where the underscore forces it to the top of your Documents page. You can create multiple templates. Unlike with PowerPoint, Displayr has a built-in versioning system, so you can restore old templates by clicking on the cog at the top right of the document, pressing Document Settings > Version History, and then use this version for the version you wish to revert to.
Set up a Background
This article goes into detail about how to set up the background in the Page Master.
Set the Page Size
For more information on how to set the page size for your document click here.
Set the default Fonts
For more information on how to set the default fonts, click here.
Set a default Table Style
This article describes how to set the default Table Style.
Create and apply a Visualization Template
To create and apply a template for any Visualizations available in the Visualization Selector take a look at this article.
Create and apply an R Visualization Template
To create and apply a template for setting colors and font styles on R Visualizations take a look at this How to Create an R Visualization Template.
Insert a Company Logo
If you want to insert your company logo in your Document you can do this by following these steps.
Headers and Footers
It is possible to add headers and footers on the Page Master so that they appear on all pages of your Document. For more information on how to do this, click here.
Add Editable Placeholder Textboxes on the Page Master
It is also possible to add placeholder textboxes in a Displayr document template so that textboxes have consistent styling and positioning across the document. Have a look at this article for more information on how to do this.
Significance Test
The default significance test used is Arrows and Fonts colors. It is possible to modify the default significance test options in a template. To change this take a look at this article.