This article describes how to create a repeated icon pictograph that shows a proportion, like the below, based on a single numeric value.
- All that is required is a numeric value. This can come from a variety of inputs including a:
- Pasted value
- R Calculation
- Table
- Numeric Variable
- Follow the example in the How to Create a Repeated Icon Pictograph article to create your initial pictograph.
- For this example, set the object inspector > Chart > Icons > Scale > 10 so each heart represents 10.
- To show the pictograph as a proportion, set the Total icons field to the number of icons you want to show as the "base" or have placeholders for. For this example, set Chart > Icons > Total icons > 10, which amounts to a "base" of 10 scale x 10 icons = 100.
- For this example, confirm Layout constrained by > Number of rows and change Number of rows > 2. You'll see the visualization has space for the remaining icons but does not show them.
- To show the remaining icons that are not filled uncheck the option Hide base image.
- Set the color of the unfilled icons with the Icon base color dropdown.
How to Create a Single Icon Pictograph
How to Create a Repeated Icon Pictograph
How to Create a Pictograph Bar Chart
How to Use a Custom Icon in a Pictograph