This article describes how to create a single icon pictograph. For our example, we will use the value of Red Wine in the table below:
To create a single icon pictograph:
- All that is required is a numeric value. This can come from a variety of inputs including a:
- Pasted value
- R Calculation
- Table
- Numeric Variable
- From the toolbar, click Visualization > Pictographs > Single Icon and draw the placeholder on the page.
- From the object inspector, under Data > Data Source > Data source select Table for this example. Other input options are described below:
- If Table or Use an existing R output is selected as the Data source, you can choose an existing table output in the Input data drop-down.
- If Type or paste data is selected, you can type in the numeric value that you wish to use. It must be formatted as a percentage, eg, 65% or .65.
- If Variable - Average is selected, you can use a numeric variable and take its average.
- If Variable - Sum is selected, you can use a numeric variable and take its sum.
- If Variable - Percentage is selected, you can use a categorical or numeric variable. An option will be provided to select a particular category from the variable. If multiple categories are specified as a comma separated list, then percentages of any of the listed categories occur will be given. If a variable from a Pick Any question is used, then category can be left blank. The percentage of times the variable is true (or Selected) is always used for this type of variable. Note that for numeric variables, the values are matched exactly. That is setting category = 1 will ignore observations with values of 1.1, etc. Instead you may want to set category to '1-2'. The range notation can only be used with numeric variables.
If using a Table or an R Calculation output as the input to your pictograph, specify the row and column to use to select the value in the Select rows/columns to show by fields to either:
- Typing row names or indices and use a static number or label in the Rows/Columns fields.
- Choosing from Combo Box or List Box control and reference your Combo Box or List Box in the Rows/Columns fields.
For my example, I chose Typing row names or indices for both options and used the default values of 1 to choose the first row for Red Wine in the first (and only) column in the table.
- In the Chart menu, there are options to further customize the icons and visualization. To choose the wine icon, choose Chart > Icons > Icon > Wine.
The Icon base color sets the color of the unfilled part of the pictograph, which was changed to a darker grey in this example.
- Chart > Fill Color section is where you set the color or configure the conditional fill colors for your icon. The Default fill color was changed to a red wine color.
How to Create a Repeated Icon Pictograph
How to Create a Repeated Icon Pictograph Showing Proportions