There are a number of geographic entities you can use in geographic maps in Displayr. Unfortunately, you may not know in advance which ones are available or how to spell them. This article provides you with the code you need to access a complete list of the geographic entities you can use in your maps.
1. In the toolbar, go to Insert a calculation > custom code. Click-and-drag the crosshairs to create an output on the Page.
2. Paste the code below into the code editor, then Calculate the output.
For an exhaustive list of geographic entities available, use the following R code examples. Each line from line 2 on will give you different things. Edit, e.g., the country name to get the relevant information for that country.
CountriesOrContinents("country") # list the countries of the world
CountriesOrContinents("continent") # list the continents
StatesInCountry("Italy") # list the states in a country
ZipcodesInCountry("UK") # list the zip/post codes in a country
AreasInCountry("Australia") # list the areas in a country
For example, you would use the following code for a complete list of countries in the world:
CountriesOrContinents("country") # list the continents
A portion of the output is shown below: