In Displayr, the versions of your dashboard in Edit Mode vs View Mode are managed separately. This allows you to update and make changes to things in Edit mode, and only publish to the live dashboard (in View Mode) exactly what you want your viewers to see. Sometimes, you might have a report that doesn't need much intervention or needs to be updated frequently, and so you just want to update the published dashboard (Republish) on a set schedule. This article describes how to set up a schedule for your dashboard to be republished automatically. Additionally, it can be coupled with updating your data set automatically at a schedule, see Updating data sets section on How to Create Dashboards with Real-Time Updating.
Please note this requires the Data Stories module or a Displayr license.
- A published Displayr document whose data and/or outputs are automatically updated as per a specified schedule.
- Automatic publishing a dashboard requires Server time for private dashboards and API on your account and will consume that time.
- Automatically updating the data and publishing the dashboard each require Server time for private dashboards and API on your account, and each event (updating and publishing) will consume that time separately.
- From the toolbar, go to Anything > Report > Automatic Updating.
- In the object inspector, enter the appropriate options for your republish schedule:
Update period - The time unit for regular updates.
Frequency - The multiple of the Update period for regular updating.
Start date and time - The date and time of the first update in the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm or mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm.
US date format - Whether the Start date and time is expressed in US format i.e. mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm.
Time zone - An optional time zone for the Start date and time, or else the default of UTC applies. The format must be Continent/City, eg America/Los_Angeles. See Wikipedia for a list of time zones.
- Update exported documents - This is the same as clicking Share > Publish to web > Republish and will republish the document.
- OPTIONAL: You can hide this output from your dashboard so it doesn't appear in the dashboard by right-clicking the update widget and selecting Hide.
Technical Details
Additional options are available by editing the code.
How to Automatically Update R Outputs on a Schedule
How to Create Dashboards with Real-Time Updating
How to Automatically Update Dashboards in Displayr
How to Automatically Update Calculations, Variables, and Data Sets Using R