A Bump or Ranking chart shows the relative (rank) order of data values.
This chart type shows data ranked in order of size (with the largest values at the top). They highlight how the relative sizes of data values differ from category to category.
This article describes how to go from a crosstab like this:
To a Ranking (Bump) chart like the one below:
- A table containing at least two rows and at least one column.
- Note, if using a table created using R, be sure to set the statistic attribute (shown in the top left corner of the table). See How to Change Table Attributes in R Tables.
To create a bump chart from an existing table:
- Select the table on the Page to show the object inspector.
- In the object inspector, click the Visualization drop-down to show the available options.
- Select Exotic > Bump.
Chart formatting options
To change the appearance of the chart, select/click the element on the chart you want to edit, and then change the relevant settings in the object inspector, under the Chart tab.
The first click on a chart element will select all sub-elements, e.g., clicking the column headings will first select all of them. Clicking again on a specific column's heading will select only that heading.
The editable elements are as follows:
Font settings here will apply to the whole chart. If you change settings for individual elements, then those specific settings will override the settings in this section.
Changing the Color here will change the color of the chart's background.
You can choose here whether to include or exclude NETs from your table's rows and columns, and whether to include duplicated categories (if any). The default is Exclude.
Ranking Statistic
Allows the selection of the numeric statistic from the underlying table you would like to use for the ranking.
Plot Area
Clicking anywhere on the series/chart itself will show the options for the Plot Area. It contains font formatting settings, as well as the option Show values.
Show values
Defaults to No.
Selecting Yes - Right or Yes - Below here will show options to include the value in the label for all series in the chart positioned as selected in relation to the series label:
Value allows specifying which statistic from the underlying table to show in the label.
Value prefix and Value suffix allow the inclusion of characters before and after the value in the label, e.g. $ or % signs.
Decimals shown will increase or decrease the number of decimals included in the label.
Clicking any of the series on the chart will open font and color options for that series. Note that it is not possible to edit labels individually for any given series.
Column Labels
Selecting all the column labels (first click on the column labels on the chart) will enable font formatting options.
Clicking a column label a second time will enable font formatting options for that specific column label.
Numbers (Y) Axis
These numbers represent the numeric rank of each series, and selecting them enables font formatting options. Settings here will apply to all numbers. It is not possible to format numbers individually.
Changing the number of rows/ranks shown
To change the number of rows/ranks shown in the chart, select the chart, click on the number rank axis (Y axis), then go to Chart > Numbers > Number of ranks and update the number shown.
If you wish to update specific rows in the chart, you will need to Hide unwanted rows in the input table.
Axis Titles
This option is available by clicking on the + in the upper right corner of the visualization. Ticking Axis Titles will show the X- and Y-axes titles. You can then click on the titles and format the font color, weight, style, size, etc.