The first thing to do when getting started with Displayr is create a new Document to store your analyses or serve as a template for creating other documents. This can be done in various ways depending on what its purpose is. This article outlines the various ways of creating a new document:
- Method - Create a new document from scratch
- Method - Create a new document starting from a different document
- Method - Create a new document based on a template
Method - Create a new document from scratch
1. Log in to your Displayr account.
2. From the Documents page, click + New Document button at the top of the screen.
3. Enter a name for the document into the Name field.
4. Toggle between Standard and Widescreen templates, if you wish.
5. Choose your preferred template from the list - select Blank Document to start from scratch.
Method - Create a new document starting from a different document
You can create a new document from a different document by either:
- Hovering over the document in your Documents page and clicking the 3 dots
> Duplicate, see How to Manage Documents in Displayr for more info.
- Upload a QPack file of the Document. From your Documents page click Upload > QPack, for more detail see How to Create a Displayr Document Using a QPack and How to Move Documents Between Accounts.
Method - Create a new document based on a template
Templating documents in Displayr can be done a couple of ways based on what you'd like to include in your template:
- If you just want to template the designs in the Page Master pages, you can create a template document to be added to the template gallery, see How to Add Your Own Document Template to the Gallery and How to Setup Branded PowerPoint Templates in Displayr. To use this template, you will select it from the template gallery when you create a new document from scratch (step 5 above). If you want to apply a template after you've already created a new document, see How to Apply a Document Template to an Existing Document.
- If you want to create a full template document that can also include templated outputs (i.e. custom functions, custom calculations, custom visualizations, R visualization templates, etc), see How to Create a Template Document. To use this template, you can Duplicate or upload a QPack of this template document (see section above), but you can also copy and paste individual items from this document into a different document as well after it is created. Note that templating outputs can also be achieved via our templating system see here, here, and here.
How to Create a Displayr Document Using a QPack
How to Move Documents Between Accounts
How to Create a Template Document
How to Add Your Own Document Template to the Gallery
How to Apply a Document Template to an Existing Document