Displayr has a suite of functions that align with other document design apps like PowerPoint/CAD software. This article contains a short summary of each function.
Here is a summary of the different functions:
When selecting from the left-hand side of objects, you only need to touch them to select (rather than surrounding the whole object)
For both left-hand and right-hand selection, a highlight is shown on items to preview what will be selected
Right-click over a group of items to select them by name
Moving items
Hold Alt key down to disable snapping
Hold Ctrl key down to duplicate instead of move
Hold Shift key down to constrain movement to horizontal, vertical, and 45 degree diagonals
Resizing items
Hold Alt key down to disable snapping
Hold Ctrl key down to resize around the centre
Hold Shift key down to maintain the same aspect ratio as the original item
Coming in from the right side, and selecting an object by touching it rather than entirely enclosing the object:
- Right-clicking over a group of items and selecting them by name:
- Holding the control key down to duplicate instead of move:
How to Align Objects on a Page
How to Arrange Objects on a Page