Some R-based outputs have a Data tab in the object inspector, but sometimes you may run across a Data (Nested) tab as well. This most commonly happens if an R-based table is nested under a visualization. The inputs and code for the underlying R-based table is in the Data (Nested) tab whereas the Data tab has settings relevant for the visualization.
For example, you use the Table > Paste or Enter Table item to select columns from another table based on a combo box:
Now with the table with the selected columns, from the object inspector select Visualization > Bar > Bar to nest that table as an input into the bar visualization. You'll see now that the settings for the filtered table are in the Data (Nested) tab:
The settings for the visualization are in the Data tab in the object inspector, and there are two additional sections that pop up: R Code - Data and Inputs Javascript - Data. These sections are the code that is creating the filtered input table and Data (Nested tab). If you click Show Advanced Options below, the R Code and Inputs Javascript sections there are the code that is relevant to the visualization:
You will see the R Code - Data and Inputs Javascript - Data sections if you create a visualization using the object inspector directly from a custom R Calculation.