In addition to exporting the report of your Document to PPT/Excel or PDF, you can also export the data from Displayr. This will not export the raw data as it was imported into Displayr, but rather how the data is currently setup within Displayr. Please take note of how changes in Displayr to the data will affect the export:
- Binary-Multi variable sets will be exported as 1s and 0s (and blanks if applicable).
- Any recoded values will be used in place of the original values.
- Any changed labels will be used instead of the originals.
- The results of formulas will be included, but the formulas themselves will not.
- Hidden variable sets will be excluded from the export.
- Deleted cases will be excluded from the export.
A Displayr document with a data set.
1. OPTIONAL: This process will save raw data variables as well as any constructed variables that have been added in Displayr. Only hidden variables will be excluded. If you wish to hide variables from being exported, select them in Data Sources and tick Hidden (except in variables and code) in the object inspector. You can select and hide multiple variables at once by holding the ctrl (cmd on a Mac) or shift key.
2. In your Displayr document, select Share > Embed Object > Update All Embeds to ensure your latest changes have been saved.
3. Select Share > Export Data > Download as SPSS File (.SAV) or Download as CSV File (.CSV) depending on the required format.
4. If you have more than one data set, you will be prompted to choose the file to export.
How to Export Specific Raw Data Variables to Excel
How to Publish Data Files from Displayr
How to Publish Data to the Displayr Cloud Drive
How to Create a Raw Data Table From Variable(s)