A Displayr document containing a Mixed-Mode Tree, Mixed-Mode Cluster Analysis, or Latent Class Analysis output.
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
To run the diagnostic analysis report:
- Select any or multiple outputs from a Mixed-Mode Cluster, Latent Class or Mixed-Mode Tree analysis.
- Select Anything
> Advanced Analysis > Machine Learning > Diagnostic > Analysis Report (Mixed-Mode Tree) to obtain the grow settings and analysis report for each selected segmentation output.
Below are the results of running a Latent Class Analysis using several variable sets from a survey examining respondents' preferences for different types of cola.
After selecting the output and running Anything > Advanced Analysis > Machine Learning > Diagnostic > Analysis Report (Mixed-Mode Tree), the following report is obtained.
Technical details
If you modify any of the input data to your tree or update/rerun your analysis, you will need to rerun this feature to obtain the new analysis report. The output containing the report will show an error informing you of this.
How to Do a Mixed-Mode Tree Analysis
How to do Mixed Mode Cluster Analysis in Displayr
How to Do Latent Class Analysis