This article describes how to nest a grid in a banner. By default, only variable sets with Nominal, Binary - Multi, Binary - Multi (Compact), Ordinal, or Date/Time structures can be dragged into the banner creator. If it is in another structure, such as Nominal - Multi: Grid with unordered categories, when you are creating your banner, it won't show up in the list of variables eligible for inclusion in the banner.
A Displayr Document.
- Select the grid variable you want to nest from the Data Sources tree and click + > Ready-Made New Variables > Flatten Variable Sets(s) to create a flattened version of the grid.
- Select a single variable set as the initial data for the banner. You can add more variables later.
- Select Anything
> Data > Variables > New > Banner.
The new BANNER will appear in the Data Sources tree and just to the right of it in the object inspector:
- Drag the flattened variable set to just below the variable in your BANNER. A box just below the variable will open up where you can drop it.
After you drop it, a preview window will also appear to show you want the BANNER will look like:
- Drag the BANNER variable set onto the page. The result is as follows: