If you find Displayr very slow to load, or sometimes see a message saying "A connection problem occurred." then there may be a network problem between your browser and Displayr.
Displayr is housed in Microsoft Azure data centers. You can learn more about your connection to the Azure data center that we use as follows:
- Go to http://www.azurespeed.com/Azure/Download and click Download 100MB File for the region where your server is located (for most users, this is America > East US). Please observe the download speed in your web browser.
- Go to http://www.azurespeed.com/Azure/Latency, select the location of your server, and scroll down below the moving chart. Please tell me the latency for America > East US.
- Go to https://app.displayr.com/SpeedTest. You should expect to get something less than about 350 ms for the ping, and a good transfer speed is somewhere above 1MB/s or more.
If you want to contact support, please:
- Tell us the results of the tests above.
- Tell us whether Displayr pages always fail to load properly, or just sometimes.
- Please follow the instructions at https://confluence.atlassian.com/kb/generating-har-files-and-analyzing-web-requests-720420612.html while using Displayr, and send the “HAR” file to the support team. Preferably do this on Chrome.