This article describes how to go from a Principal Component Analysis created in Displayr:
To a scree plot based on the Principal Component Analysis:
- A Principal Component Analysis output created in Displayr. This does not need to be created with Dimension Reduction - Principal Components Analysis (you can make your own factor analysis or PCA), but the item does need to have an attribute called values.
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
1. From the toolbar menu, select Anything () > Visualization > Dimension Reduction > Scree Plot.
2. From the object inspector, select your Principal Component Analysis from the Principal components analysis drop-down box.
3. Click the Calculate button.
How to Do Principal Component Analysis in Displayr
How to Create a Principal Component Analysis Biplot
How to Create a Dimension Reduction Scatterplot
How to Create a Component Plot from a Principal Component Analysis
How to Create a Goodness of Fit Plot from a Dimension Reduction Output
How to Save Components/Dimensions from a Dimension Reduction Output
How to Do Multidimensional Scaling
How to Create a Distance Matrix