This article describes how to go from a choice model experimental design created in Displayr:
To a preview of the questionnaire generated from the experimental design:
- A document containing a choice model experimental design created in Displayr.
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
- From the toolbar, select Anything > Advanced Analysis > Choice Modeling > Preview Choice Questionnaire.
- In the object inspector, select your experimental design from the Choice experimental design output dropdown.
- Click the Calculate button to generate a preview of the questionnaire.
- OPTIONAL: Update the Design version number to preview input. This is the version number in the design to show the questions for.
How to Do the Statistical Analysis of Choice-Based Conjoint Data
How to Create an Experimental Design for Choice-Based Conjoint
How to Set Up a Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis in Qualtrics
How to Compare Multiple Choice Models
How to Create a Utilities Plot
How to Save Utilities from a Choice Model
How to Save Class Membership from a Choice Model
How to Create a Simulator for Choice Model
How to Create a Choice Model Optimizer