This article deals with how to set up Qualtrics' Drill down question in Displayr when imported from an SPSS file.
Drill Down questions in Qualtrics allow the user to specify a hierarchy of response options in a series of drop-downs for the user to select. When this is exported, Qualtrics creates a single Nominal variable for each level of the hierarchy, but instead of limiting the categories to those that appear in that level of the hierarchy alone, all of the labels from all levels are included in the list of categories. To analyze this hierarchically we will first need to deconstruct the existing variables, and then restructure them into a more useful format.
In Qualtrics, a Drill Down question could appear like this:
In Displayr, a table created from the export from Qualtrics before any re-structuring has been done will look like this:
Qualtrics data with drill down questions imported into Displayr via SPSS.
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
1. In the Data Sources tree, highlight the variable set, right-click and select Split.
2. Select the first drilldown variable > Plus (+) > Banner.
3. Next, drag the other 2 drill down variables over to the banner interface one after the other, placing each of them below the other according to the drill-down order:
4. Untick the boxes labeled Add sub-NETs and Add column spans of question names, then click OK.
5. Drag your variable set onto your page to create a new table.
6. Select Data > RULES > Plus (+) > Modify Whole Table or Plot > Hide Empty Rows and Columns > OK.
The final output should resemble this:
How to Import Data From Qualtrics
How to Export SPSS Data from Qualtrics
How to Set Up Side By Side Questions from Qualtrics in Displayr
How to Set Up Pick, Group, and Rank Questions from Qualtrics in Displayr