In Displayr, you can create custom rules to add custom statistics or calculations to the table (using the statistics available). This article describes how to create a custom rule to show the upper and lower confidence intervals on crosstabs that use categorical variable sets (if using numeric data click here). More specifically, this articles goes from a basic crosstab with categorical variable sets... a table that displays the upper and lower confidence intervals:
- A crosstab created from variables in a data source (using drag and drop) where there is a categorical variable set (Nominal or Binary-Multi) selected in both the Rows and Columns drop-down menus.
As written, the rule overwrites the Index and Missing Count statistics. Afterwards, they will be renamed to Upper Confidence Interval and Lower Confidence Interval respectively.
1. Select your table.
2. In the object inspector, go to Data > Rules > + > New custom rule.
3. Click Edit Javascript and paste the below into the editor that opens:
// Choose which stats to replace based on those available for categorical data
var upper_statistic_to_replace = "Index";
var lower_statistic_to_replace = "Missing n";
// Confirm the table is a crosstab using categorical data
if (table.availableStatistics.indexOf("Column %") == -1) {
table.suppressOutput('Confidence intervals not computed - it only applies to tables containing Column % in the Statistics - Cells');
form.ruleNotApplicable('it only applies to tables containing Column % in the Statistics - Cells');
// Confirm the categorical data used is either pick one or pick any -- other types not supported
if (["Pick One", "Pick Any"].indexOf(table.blueQuestion.questionType) == -1 || ["Pick One", "Pick Any"].indexOf(table.brownQuestion.questionType) == -1){
table.suppressOutput('Confidence intervals not computed - the table should have a Nominal or Binary-Multi variable set selected in both the Rows and Columns of the table.');
form.ruleNotApplicable('the table should have a Nominal or Binary-Multi variable set selected in both the Rows and Columns of the table.');
//add titles to rule
form.setSummary('Calculate confidence intervals on crosstabs with percentages');
form.setHeading('Calculate confidence intervals on crosstabs with percentages');
// Set up controls for user input to select the significance level
var label = form.newLabel('Significance level:');
var p_level = form.newNumericUpDown('Lower'); // create numeric control
p_level.lineBreakAfter = true;
let t_box = form.newCheckBox('uset', 'Use Survey Reporter / Quantum formula');
form.setInputControls([label, p_level, t_box]); // add controls to settings shown
// get the value from the input form above and set it as the cutoff variable
var p_cutoff = p_level.getValue();
let use_t_dist = t_box.getValue();
// Get relevant table stats
var n = table.get("n");
var col_n = table.get("Column n");
var col_percent = table.get("Column %");
var col_se = table.get("Column Standard Error");
var upper_values = table.get(upper_statistic_to_replace);
var lower_values = table.get(lower_statistic_to_replace);
var isWeight = table.weight != null;
// Do the calculations on each cell in the table
for (var row = 0; row < table.numberRows; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < table.numberColumns; col++) {
if (use_t_dist) {
let df = col_n[row][col] - 1;
let t = jStat.studentt.inv(p_cutoff/2, df);
let increment = t * col_se[row][col] * 100;
lower_values[row][col] = col_percent[row][col] + increment;
upper_values[row][col] = col_percent[row][col] - increment;
} else {
var z = jStat.normal.inv(p_cutoff/2,0,1);
if (isWeight) {
var increment = z*col_se[row][col]*100;
lower_values[row][col] = col_percent[row][col] + increment;
upper_values[row][col] = col_percent[row][col] - increment;
} else {
var calc1 = col_n[row][col] + Math.pow(z,2);
var calc2 = (n[row][col] + Math.pow(z,2)/2)/calc1;
var calc3 = Math.sqrt(calc2*(1-calc2)/calc1);
var increment = z*calc3;
lower_values[row][col] = (calc2 + increment)*100;
upper_values[row][col] = (calc2 - increment)*100;
//set the values of the statistics we're overwriting to the new values on the table
table.set(lower_statistic_to_replace, lower_values);
table.set(upper_statistic_to_replace, upper_values);
//see if statistics for upper and lower CI are showing on table and if not, add them
var stats = table.statistics;
if(stats.indexOf(upper_statistic_to_replace) == -1) stats.push(upper_statistic_to_replace);
if(stats.indexOf(lower_statistic_to_replace) == -1) stats.push(lower_statistic_to_replace);
table.statistics = stats;
//rename the statistics we're overwriting to upper and lower CI
form.setTranslation(upper_statistic_to_replace, "Upper Confidence Interval");
form.setTranslation(lower_statistic_to_replace, "Lower Confidence Interval");
4. OPTIONAL: Change the statistics to replace from Index and Missing n at the top of the code, if desired.
5. Press the blue Play button > Close.
6. Choose your Significance level. By default this is 0.05 to match Displayr's default Overall Significance Level setting, but if you are testing at a different level then change this number.
7. Tick Use Survey Reporter / Quantum formula option if you have Proportions test in your Significance settings set to either Survey Reporter or Quantum.
8. Press OK.
Additional details
- This Rule applies one of two formulas from the page Confidence Interval, depending on whether or not the table is weighted:
- When the table is weighted, the rule applies the formula from the section called Default confidence intervals. This uses the quantiles of the normal distribution.
- When the table is not weighted, this rule applies the formula described in the section Confidence intervals for percentages with unweighted samples. This is the Agresti-Coull interval.
- When Proportions test is set to either Survey Reporter or Quantum, the test then becomes a type of t-test and so uses the default t-distribution version of the formula.
- Note, the formula under Confidence intervals where Weights and significance has been set to Un-weighted sample size in tests is not currently implemented, and users should contact Support if they need to take this into account.
- The rule uses the Column %, Column Standard Error, n, and Column n statistics on your table.
- This Rule uses the jStat JavaScript library to compute the quantiles of the normal distribution.
The Rule does not know about statistical settings at the project or table level.