This article describes how to split grid questions (Binary - Grid and Numeric - Grid) into new questions which correspond to either the rows or columns of the grid. This is useful when the software has combined a grid automatically when the user has imported their data set, and they either don’t want to analyse it as a grid or they also want to analyse row or column categories separately in addition to analyzing the grid as a whole.
For example, let's say I have this Binary - Grid variable and want to split the column variables (Feminine, Health-conscious, ... Weight conscious) off into new questions.
A variable with one of the following structures:
- Binary - Grid
- Numeric - Grid variable
Please note this requires the Data Stories module or a Displayr license.
- Click the variable you want to split
Select Anything > Ready Made New Variables > Split > Split Grid by Rows (Columns)
- Select the hover button > Ready-Made New Variables > Split > Split Grid by Columns (Rows)
How to Combine and Split Variable Sets