There are different ways of removing categories from tables and each has a different consequence. This article describes how to hide and remove categories from tables.
A Displayr document with tables created from Nominal: Mutually exclusive categories, Nominal - Multi: Grid with unordered categories or Binary - Multi: Non-mutually exclusive categories variable sets.
Method - Removing categories and setting values as missing
Right-clicking on a category of a Nominal or Nominal - Multi table and selecting Delete simultaneously hides the category and recomputes the percentages in the table (i.e., if it is categorical data, the percentages are re-based).
You can undo these changes by pressing undo or by right-clicking on the table and selecting Reset > Table Categories.
When categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., from a Nominal or Nominal - Multi variable set) you can also select the variable set from the Data Sources tree and then click on the Values button in the object inspector to open the Value Attributes dialogue box. Here you can change the selections in the Missing Data column to Exclude from analyses to delete a category from the table. This is identical to using the Delete option described above.
Method - Re-basing multiple response (Binary - Multi) variable sets
When using Delete on a table created from a Binary - Multi variable set, you will sometimes see the NET drop below 100%. This is because some respondents will not have selected any of the responses in the question. One solution to this is to create a filter based on the NET and apply it to the table. This will ensure that the NET will be 100%. You can do this by selecting the variable set in the Data Sources tree and then from the toolbar, select Calculation > Any of > Any of. This will create a new binary variable based on the NET. With the new variable selected, go to Data in the object inspector and check Usable as a filter. You can then apply this filter to the existing table which will then be based on the NET.
Method - Hiding categories
You can also right-click on a category in a table and select Hide to prevent it from being shown in the table. When you hide a category in this way, no change is made to the other values on the table. You can undo hiding by pressing undo, or, right-clicking and selecting Reset > Table Categories (which returns the variable set to its original state).
How to Hide Rows or Columns with Small Sample Sizes
How to Hide Empty Rows and Columns in a Table