This article describes how to create prompts in a QScript for the user to enter values, confirm options, and make selections.
- A Displayr Enterprise user license which includes the ability to add custom analysis menu items.
- The file which includes the Phone data set that we will use for this article.
- You have read How to Create a Custom QScript and How to Work with Variables via QScript.
- You are using the QScript Editor method from How to Use QScripts in Displayr. User prompts are not able to be run in QScripts when using the Displayr API. This must be used via the Anything
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
By default, basic prompts can be used without referencing any additional QScript libraries. Here are some examples.
1. Text or value
prompt("Enter a value");
2. Boolean (true/false)
askYesNo("Do you wish to continue?")
3. Confirmation
confirm("The script will now run")
Selection Functions
1. Select one
var choices = ['Option 1','Option 2'];
var selection = selectOne("Choose one:", choices);
stores all the items you want to display in your list box. -
returns the index of the chosen item (i.e. 0 = Option 1 and 1 = Option 2).
2. Select many
var choices = ['Option 1','Option 2'];
var selections = selectMany("Choose any:", choices);
stores all the items you want to display in your list box. -
returns the index of the chosen items as an array (i.e. [0] = Option 1, [1] = Option 2, and [0,1] = both Option 1 and Option 2).
Displayr has its own JavaScript library of selection functions called QScript Selection Functions for calling variables and variable sets. The following are some of the main functions from this library and all require the below line at the top of your code:
includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions')
In each example, you must first declare the variable (set) to use in the prompt.
3. Select single variable set (or question) by combined label
var questions = project.dataFiles[0].questions;
var selection = selectOneQuestion("Please select a variable set",questions);
stores all variable sets in the data set. -
returns aquestion
4. Select multiple variable sets (or questions) by combined label
var questions = project.dataFiles[0].questions;
var selection = selectManyQuestions("Please select multiple variable sets",questions).questions;
stores all variable sets in the data set. -
returns aquestion
object when.questions
is appended.
5. Select single variable by individual label
var variables = project.dataFiles[0].variables;
var selection = selectOneVariableByLabel("Please select one variable",variables);
stores all variables in the data set. -
returns avariable
object by default but will return the selected label if.label
is appended.
6. Select multiple variables by individual labels
var variables = project.dataFiles[0].variables;
var selection = selectManyVariablesByLabel("Please select multiple variables",variables);
stores all variables in the data set. -
returns avariable
object by default but will return the selected labels if.labels
is appended.
How to Create Diagnostic Messages and Perform Validations via QScript
How to Modify Variables and Value Attributes via QScript
How to Create Custom Variables via QScript
How to Add Pages, Folders, and Headings via QScript
How to Create Tables and Calculations via QScript
How to Create a Visualization via QScript
How to Modify Tables via QScript
See Also
How to Work with Variables via QScript
How to Create a Custom QScript