This article describes how to go from a table... an output that displays a custom message when the sample size is too small.
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
A table with a sample size statistic shown in the cells of the table, such as Column Sample Size or Sample Size.
1. Select your table.
2. Go to Properties > GENERAL > Name and copy the object name.
3. Select Calculation > Custom Code.
4. In the object inspector, go to Properties > R CODE.
5. Paste in the following code and edit the inputs section to what you need. This will make the output transparent if there's enough data and show your custom error message with a white background if not:
#identify the table to use
mytable = table.sample
#identify the column to use (must be selected in Statistics-Cells)
ss = "Sample Size"
#set the minimum sample size
min.sample = 40
#set the error message
errmsg= "Sample size is too small to show results"
#test if there is any data in the table
hasdata = length(mytable) != 0
#if the table has data test the sample size is big enough
hassample = mytable[1,ss] >= min.sample
#if table has multiple columns and sample size is a statistic comment out above and in below
#hassample = mytable[1,1,ss] >= min.sample
} else {
##if there's enough sample size have box be transparent (html = "")
##else if there's not enough data show error message using html
html = if (hassample) '' else paste0("<!DOCTYPE html>
body { background-color: white; }
rhtmlMetro::Box(html, = TRUE)
8. Resize the output to cover whatever you wish to disappear.
See Also
How to Handle Outputs with Small or No Data using R
How to Work with Conditional R Formulas
How to Hide an Output with a Small Sample Size Using an R Error
How to Blank or Cap R Table Cells Based on a Different Statistic Using R
How to Hide Rows or Columns Based on Sample Size Using R