Data Stories is a module of Displayr and a tool for creating online reports, presentations, and interactive dashboards. It can help streamline online reporting, automate PowerPoint and PDF reporting, and create visual designs for data storytelling.
You can import tables of data from a range of sources and transform them into visually appealing and informative outputs, choosing from hundreds of customizable data visualizations. Adding interactive controls allows your audience to explore data independently with filters, dropdowns, hyperlinks, and hovers.
For more advanced users, Data Stories offers integration with R, providing access to a suite of statistical analysis, visualization, and modeling tools within an online R studio environment.
Effortlessly transform data into engaging presentations with Data Stories. With hundreds of powerful visual design tools specifically tailored for data work, you can seamlessly convert tables full of numbers into compelling, easy-to-understand, and yet, beautiful visuals and narratives.
Data Stories removes your pain points
As an example, many companies use the following workflow today:
- A data processing team crunches numbers in one tool, processes text data in another, and performs advanced analysis in yet another tool.
- They then pull all the data into Excel or Google Sheets to tidy it up.
- Then they pass the output to another team to create the reporting in PowerPoint or Google Slides.
- If a dashboard is required, they will use a specialty tool like Tableau, Power BI, or Dapresy.
Because there are multiple tools, a whole lot of time is spent moving the data between the tools (e.g., copying data from one app into Excel and then into PowerPoint). Why not do it all in Displayr?
After signing up for Data Stories, your updated workflow will be:
- A data process team prepares the tables.
- You load the tables into Data Stories, tidy things, create visualizations and insights, and export to PowerPoint, PDF, Excel, or an online dashboard.
With the Data Stories module, you can take data tables created in Displayr, Q, Excel, or SQL by a data processing team, and create beautiful data stories. It removes the need to use multiple apps for reporting.
Data Stories allows team members from different departments and locations to collaborate in the same workspace, anywhere, anytime. This means you can have multiple team members pulling insights and creating visualizations, saving you time and removing the need to pass multiple file versions back and forth.
Besides online reporting, Data Stories can automate the process of PowerPoint and PDF reporting, ensuring your presentations are always up-to-date. Simply create your story and export it to PowerPoint or PDF with filters applied to show the results by time, region, product, division, salesperson, and more. In addition, Data Stories automatically updates all your outputs when new data comes in, significantly reducing the chance of errors and the time required to update the report. Turn days of work into a single click.