Sometimes with a Binary Multi question (i.e., a multiple response question) it is useful to count up the number of choices or selections (i.e., selections, or mentions) made for each case or respondent (e.g., the proportion to select only one option, two options, three options, etc.)
For example, if respondents are asked which of the following list of colas they are aware of, it may be on interest to count the number of colas each respondent selected.
Which of the following colas are you aware of?
_Diet Coke
_Coke Zero
_Diet Pepsi
_Pepsi Max
- In Data Sources, select all of the applicable variables.
- Hover in the Data Sources area until the + sign appears.
- Select Ready Made New Variables > Count.
- Change the Structure to Nominal: Mutually exclusive categories.
- Create a table from the new variable(s).
How to Create New Binary Variable(s)