This article describes how to change the base of a multiple response variable set, also known as a binary-multi.
The sample size is worked out based on the number of respondents who have data for the question. Any respondent with missing data for an option will be excluded from the sample for that option.
For instance, this table is based on those who have answered the question:
This table is based on everyone in the study, which includes missing data for this question:
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
A binary-multi variable set that includes missing data.
- Select a binary-multi variable set in the Data Sources.
- In the object inspector to the right, click Data > Properties > Missing values.
- For Missing data, choose Missing Values > Include in analyses and click OK.
How to Set Value Attributes for a Binary-Multi and Binary-Grid
How to Rebase Multiple Response Data in Variable(s) to NET