This article describes how to you can create new variables that show the proportion of respondents who selected the top 3 options in
The table on the left shows a Summary table of a Nominal - Multi question. The table on the right shows a Summary of the Binary - Multi.
- A data set loaded into Displayr that contains
- Select the variable set(s) in the Data Sources tree. If you have multiple variable sets selected, separate top 3 box variables will be created for each.
- Hover and click Plus (+) > Ready-Made New Variable(s) > Top Three Category Variable(s) (Top 3 Boxes).
- When appropriate, you will be asked if you want to remove categories that look like Don't know options. This is equivalent to setting the category as Missing Data.
- Displayr will create new variables for the top 3 categories of the selected
. The Value Attributes may look something similar to below:
- Displayr identifies the top categories by looking at the numeric Value for each category not selected as Missing Data in the Value Attributes of the variable set and choosing the highest values. To determine the numeric values, select the variable set in the Data Sources tree, then in the object inspector go to Data > Properties > Values.
How to Create Top Two Category Variable(s) (Top 2 Boxes)
How to Create Top K Category Variable(s) (Top K Boxes)
How to Create Bottom Three Category Variable(s) (Bottom 3 Boxes)