This article describes how to automatically delete built-in drag and drop tables from your document where the sample size is less than a value specified. You can see one of the original example pages here:
After running the automation across all pages in the document to delete tables with a sample size below 50, the bottom table with a sample size of 48 was deleted automatically:
Please note these steps require a Displayr license.
- A Displayr document with at one table created directly from variables (i.e. the built-in drag and drop table).
1. From the toolbar, select Tools > Delete > Delete If Sample Size Lower Than Specified Value.
2. Enter the minimum sample size value that you want to use as your cut off (i.e., any table with a value less than this will be deleted). In this example, I want to delete any table with a sample of less than 50.
3. Click OK.
4. Tables with a sample size of less than 50 will be deleted automatically.
How to Automatically Delete Broken Objects
How To Automatically Delete Tables With No Significant Results